Friday, June 6, 2014

Revenge of the Nerds Review

It has been 30 years ,since the movie has released and it shows. This movie feels like a 1980s movie in each and every way.And the fact that since that since the emergence of The Big Bang Theory and Joss Whedon, nerds have become a part of mainstream. Thus, the movie shows how much time has changed. Despite these facts, the movie has aged very well.For a guy who was not present in 1980s and watched for the first time in 2014, I must say that movie has aged pretty well.


After "Animal House" became a hit in 1978, many R-rated sex comedy came in 1980s like Porky, Risky Business and Fast Times At Ridgemont High. They were quite funny, but sometimes they took themselves seriously at a time. Seriousness worked flawlessly in Risky Business, but it felt mismatched in Porky and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. This is not the case here. Sure it has all the typical T&A Teen Sex Gross-out ingredient like sex jokes, men peeking at naked girls, drugs, booze, partying, F-word, toilet humor and of course gratuitous frontal nudity,but the fact that movie never takes itself seriously sets it apart. The director of movie knew he was not making another "The Graduate", but a very stupid comedy and he did not hide this fact with serious topics like racism(Porky) or abortion(Fast Times).The plot is very simple and you can guess from it's title. The title clearly specifies that nerds take revenge from jocks. Nerd represent nerd and jocks represent jocks. Nothing symbolic here.  

One of the best thing about movie is it 's character. Just like the film itself characters are slapstick and cartoonish. For e.g.; there is a character named Ogre, who behaves like Marvel superhero Hulk. Only difference is that Hulk is green skinned and has more hair. But the character that steals the show here is Booger. His role here is to be disgusting. Be it burping,eating dirty things or as you can guess from his name taking out his booger ! Booger is played by same guy who played Tom Cruise 's best friend in Risky Business and gave what the f--- speech.


The movie is often accused of it's misogyny, but I am at movie 's defense here since a) movie is equal offender. It offends every one . Be it male or female,nerds or jocks, gays or rebels. b)girls were also nasty towards "nerds" and thus nerds had lame excuse to take revenge and c) it was 1980s. It was in trend for movie of similar genre to be sexist. At least it is not MASH.

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